Card 1 – Six of Swords: you need to leave difficulties behind. Give yourself the gift of nature by taking a 20 min. walk at a park and shutting off your phone. “It’s a jungle out there” comes to mind. There is so much going on around you that do not let you hear yourself think.
If working on school/new business venture/job, you are closer to your goal than you can actually see. Focus on how much you’ve accomplished, not how much you have left.
Card 2 – Eight of Swords: stuck between a rock and a hard place… Quit walking on eggshells around everyone. Find a nice way to express your discontent/discomfort regarding a situation.
The answer is right before your eyes, you’re just too worried about getting out of the comfort zone.
Change is hard sometimes but rather necessary. Speak up: you’re wiser than you think.
Card 3 – Knight of Pentacles: do not get overly cocky or comfortable with your recently found success. While changes are happening and things seem good, you have to continue to push yourself forward. Do not get blindsided by compliments and take your eye off the ball.
Be wary of the image you’re projecting onto others: you cannot fit in yet want to be complimented all the time. Choose being humble instead.
What card did you pick? Let me know in the comments below!
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Muchas bendiciones,