It’s that time again: let’s see what Lady Luck has in store for you.
Pick ONE card and scroll down for meanings: no cheating!
Card 1 – 9 of Cups: Hoarding friends, people, knowledge… Is never a good thing. Take a good look at yourself and see what you can share with the world. Sitting on clothes that do not fit you? Donate them.
Sitting on knowledge that could be shared? Blog about it, Periscope about it, share it with somebody.
Sitting on information that can change someone’s life or perception of life? Tell that person. It is never too late to open one’s eyes and you will feel better for it.
Card 2 – 5 of Pentacles: Do not let love dry up… For more stressful and busy your life is, there is always 5 min. in your day for you to shoot a quick text/e-mail to those who love you.
If you are waiting for someone to reach out to you, it may be time for you to reach out to them.
Card 3 – Knight of Pentacles: Pride? Money? Ego? None of these things have a home when it comes to relationships: friends, family, loved ones… Take some time to relax and really think of what’s important to you and yours. Being detached and busy all the time is never good.
Plan a BBQ with a handful of people and de-stress yourself.
What card did you pick? Let me know in the comments below!
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Muchas bendiciones,