Tarot of the Day/Week

Free Tarotscope by Readings by Wen: 5/23-5/29/2016

Tarot Scope_ May 23-29 by Readings by Wen
Card 1 – 5 of Swords ~ Trouble, trouble, trouble!
Thank goodness Mercury turned direct yesterday but you may have a lot to apologize for.
Keep a tight lip when it comes to giving your opinions, especially in matters of love. It will take a little while for communication to go back to normal after the Mercury retrograde aftermath and you have come off a little too strong during these past few weeks.

When in doubt, keep your mouth shut. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Card 2 – Wheel of Fortune ~ Changes. Evolving.
Have you been waiting for that special person to come back around, give you the time of day or keep a promise you feel s/he will brake?
I have good news for you: this card talks about quick and unexpected change of luck for the better, meaning things are spinning out of control and are not where they need to be just yet, but they are not where they were before.

You are closer to getting that phone call, that invite, or that flower bouquet you have been waiting for this week. Patience is a virtue!

Card 3 – 8 of Swords Reversed ~ Freedom. Escape.
I must confess I love this card. This card (reversed) talks about freedom, letting go of dead weight…
You are at a point in your life where you have finally freed yourself from an oppressing situation you had no idea how to run away from.
Whether completely romantically involved with this oppressing person or on the fence, you have made the right choice by walking away. You ran away from a toxic situation where you felt you did not have a voice of your own.

Whatever you do, do not look back! Look in the mirror and remind yourself how valuable you are.

Do you want to know more? Purchase a reading from me HERE.

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Muchas bendiciones,
