Card 1 – High Priestess: Accomplishment.
This card is a a confirmation of what you have been doubting lately: how well can you take care of your paperwork? The answer is very well. There is always room for improvement, but do not be so hard on yourself.
The time you have spent doing research regarding that college you want to apply to, that car you wish to purchase or that loan you’re applying to is finally about to paid of. Congratulations!
Card 2 – 2 of Wands: Hesitation.
Being between two situations/decisions is not easy. You have been contemplating a change of job, housing, or company altogether but have yet to make up your mind. You have your sight on the horizon and know this move on your part will represent a significant change in your life. The world around you will change. You have yet to take that jump.
This card is also looking in the horizon for someone we admire and want to follow in their footsteps.
Whichever your situation, keep in mind Mercury is in retrograde (along with 4 other planets) and right now is not the time for drastic changes but rather planning.
Card 3 – Page of Swords: Messenger: beware of falling into gossip.
This card represents what goes on by the water filter, the break room… Chisme, gossip… Beware of gossip around you. Be mindful of those around you who always talk about others. I can guarantee you they talk about you behind your back.
Go in, clock in, make your money, talk about the weather when needed be, and clock out. Be extra careful of e-mails or text messages since they could be shared with others and cause strife.
What card did you pick? Let me know in the comments below!
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Muchas bendiciones,