Hello everyone!
SO, I was at the store the other day and a lady called asking for a reading. It was about 45 min. before the shop closed so I told her she had to be there in 15 min. or else I would not be able to read for her for 30 min.
The lady shows up but apparently she asked if I could do two readings.
I really did not catch that last part.
Luckily for me, the ladies were very understanding and the one I could not read for came back the next day. I joked about Mercury being in Retrograde and things were fine.
But Wen, what does Mercury being retrograde mean?
Aha! Let’s go back and define what this phenomenon means.
Every year, planets appear to be moving backwards up in the sky for a period of about a month. This means that everything this planet influences, seems to be going backwards.
Since Mercury in particular rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles… So if you think about it, everything we do nowadays.
Mercury will go on retrograde this year on:
- January 5 to 25
- April 28 to May 22
- August 30 to September 22
- December 19 to 31
If you work with magical people or want to enlighten a loved one, explain to them what this means and to blame Mercury for the following occurrences:
- Missed an e-mail
- Missed text
- Missed scheduling/date
- Missed flight
- No cell phone signal
- Payment not going through
- Direct deposit being cancelled
- Placing the wrong order online
- …and many more
It is important to note the planet moving backwards is an illusion and many argue Mercury being in retrograde should not affect your day-to-day life…
(Tell that to someone who had to work with 7 women in an office with an open-floor plan and having monthly meetings and communicating via e-mail… We were fried whenever this bad boy would come along).
The best way I have found to deal with Mercury Retrograde is to keep calm and give yourself an extra day or week to comply with a deadline or 15 min. extra to get to work. It will come in handy…
What to avoid during Mercury Retrograde:
- Starting a project
- Traveling
- Start/break up a relationship
- Making investments
- …the list goes on
OK, I get it. But what can I do?
Good question! You get to be patient, sit tight and plan.
We all have unfinished business we keep on procrastinating. Have a handy checklist with you with projects you have been meaning to tackle for a while but have not done so.
- Design the layout for a website
- Watch cooking shows and plan your meals (the less elaborate ones would be best)
- Plan your blogs (and back them up). Do not send the until Mercury has turned direct and things are back to normal.
Another thing I am fond of is carrying a Mercury dime with me. Lightning a candle to Mercury on a Wednesday proves to be helpful as well and last but not least, Mercury oil proves to be very effective as well.
You can purchase Mercury Dimes here:
Mercury Dimes
I am curious: how do you deal with Mercury Retrograde? Let me know in the comments section!
Muchas bendiciones,
Purchase a reading from me HERE