Tarot of the Day/Week · Uncategorized

Tarot of the Week: Dec 20-26

Hello everyone!

Pick one card (from left to right: 1, 2, 3) and read my interpretations below.


Card 1 – Seven of Pentacles: Do not be discouraged: your hard work will pay off, but not yet. Whether it’s a new health treatment you have started, new job training, or any project in which you are investing time/energy, you are sowing a seed. Remember that Rome was not built in just one day!

Card 2 – Two of Pentacles: We all have to juggle multiple things at the same time, at some point. Try to find a balance and give yourself some “me time” in the midst of it all. Too much of one thing is never a good thing. As a precaution, remember to take your vitamins as well.

Card 3 – The High Priestess: Decisions to make. With the New Year come plans and resolutions. Make sure you have done your research on everything you are trying to take on. Take some time to meditate and write down the pros and cons of your future plans and your options. You are overlooking something: get back to the drawing board and find out what it is.

Want to know more? Schedule a reading with me HERE.

Thank you for reading. Muchas bendiciones,
