Hello there!
If you are not familiar with The Lucky Mojo Curio Co. is probably because you have been living under a rock. The shop owner, Ms. Cat and her husband, Nagasiva are dedicated collaborators of the Hoodoo community.They not only have the shop but they also have a free forum, Radio Shows for every day of the week where they do readings, they are associated with the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers (AIRR), The Crystal Silence League…
If only I was closer to their shop! They are located in Forestville, CA.
They have a giveaway they do every Friday on their Facebook Page and all you have to do is “like” the page and enter your name below their post.
I was the lucky winner on 1/09/2015 of their Money Drawing Spell Kit which retails for $58 on their website.
Take advantage of this offer and may the odds be forever in your favor!
Thanks for reading and buenas noches.