Health Corner

Possible Diagnosis: Cholesteatoma?

Hello everyone!

So I haven’t been feeling good for a while, to be honest it’s been going on for about 2 years. I thought I had a recurrent ear infection every since I started working at the office since we seem to be having a problem with mold but now it seems that I have something more severe…

I keep going to Rapha Primary Care, where they’re able to do blood work should there be the need.
Call me hypochondriac, but ever since I found out my father has Type 2 Diabetes, I get blood work done at least once a year to make sure everything’s ok.

…Going back to my troublesome ear, my doctor syringed my ear and attempted to remove “something” he saw. He ended up giving me a referral to see an ENT Doctor because he thinks there’s a cell growth behind my eardrum. (Let’s remember I’ve gone to my primary care physician about 4 times for the same condition…) and is now scaring me with the possibility of a cholesteatoma.

Needless to say, I’m freaking out. Cholesteatoma can cause include hearing loss, intermittent or continuous drainage from the ear, build-up of dried crusts in the ear, acute and chronic infections, and pain. So far, I have all these symptoms except for hearing loss.

…They prescribed me some ear drops, a strong antibiotic, and something for the swelling… I go back on 4/3 for a follow-up. The syringe method hurt like hell but on the bright side, my troubled ear feels a lot better after this abuse.

Thanks for reading & buenas tardes,
