· Office Job

Doing Things Half-Way… Mediocrity?

Hello everyone!

I am currently having a very hard time understanding why people do things half way.
Apparently it doesn’t just have to do with background, with whether or not you’re from the city or a small town. I’m finding mediocre individuals from all walks of life.

Image taken from:
Agitación Cultural desde la Periferia

It is truly a burden that the more technology we have access to, the more ignorant and careless people are becoming. Abominations like Reality TV shows, the Kardashians, and the Harlem Shake, to name a few have poisoned and handicapped our minds and our attention to detail.

Don’t believe me? Just look at the news: Miners Fired over Harlem Shake Video. That is just one of the many examples we witness daily. 

Sometimes it can take weeks to get someone to do their job if there’s an ego problem on top of the mediocrity of which I spoke earlier. Do things right ONE way and you won’t have to do them again!

…Am I crazy for thinking that way? Apparently in America’s individualist society, we’re too busy with our gadgets, self-realization, and just plain old selfishness and forget there’s a purpose for every job and one should excel at every task this job appoints us. (The expression: “blowing smoke up your own @$$” comes to mind).

This issue isn’t unique to my local society, but rather a problem I’m seeing even at my child’s Elementary School with some of school personnel. Yet, when you try to do things the right way, (and only once), the spotlight is on you and people second guess you. It is truly worrisome to see what society is turning out to be… I refuse to shape my child into this and I foresee many issues in his future because I will not tolerate mediocrity in my household. We may live in the United States, but my standards are still the ones I was taught in Venezuela. I strive to allow my child to benefit from my collectivistic ideas, despite of the endangered state of mind this seems to be.

Thanks for reading & buenas noches,
