Hello everyone!
I just wanted to share with you the card that always appears on every draw for me:
Hanson Roberts Tarot Deck |
No matter which spread, what I’m asking, what day of the week it is, nor what time of the day, I always get the same card. Sometimes in the beginning, sometimes in the middle, sometimes at the end of my reading… It’s just always there. I can always count with it being there, even when someone else is doing a reading for me.
Back in November sometime I had a reading from Balthazar Blacke and as he shuffled and dealt the cards for me twice for two different questions I had, The Hanged Man made a guest appearance both times.
I would really like to know what this card is trying to tell me, besides the obvious meaning. I believe there is something deeper to this than “oh, you’re suspended, taking everything in as you’re learning everything is different now… You’re someone who puts everyone’s needs before your own and are always waiting for the next time to come around to do things for yourself…”
Is it perhaps inviting me to change, letting me know it is time to change my ways? Sometimes I wish Tarot cards could talk. Maybe The Hanged Man will talk to me in my dreams, if I meditate on it enough.
Until next time: thanks for reading & buenas noches,