Botánica Corner

Intro & Etsy Shop

Hello everyone!

After much consideration and careful thought, I have decided to open up a Blog and an Etsy shop: Purple Hippo’s Crafts. I have done transactions on eBay since I was 18 years old, but for some reason the Etsy idea scares me.

I think it scares me a little bit because I keep seeing handcrafted jewelry and different kinds of goodies at such high price that I would never see myself charging… Maybe they’re getting their materials that high? I’m not sure. I strive to get the best deal so I can pass my savings on to you: the customer.

About my other project: my blog… This thing is even scarier than the Etsy shop. Let’s see, I’ve had MySpace and Facebook accounts for a couple of years already, where I recently created Purple Hippo’s Crafts page; but only the people I actually know are the ones reading my ramblings… This blog is open to everyone around the world! This is a big jump for me…

A bit about me:  

I’m a single mother of a wonderful little boy, I’m from the beautiful town of Maracaibo, Venezuela and I have lived in: Port Orange, Miami and Miami Springs, FL, and last but not least, Fayetteville, NC. 

Different situations caused me to move around but I would not change any of it: change makes you stronger every time!

I hope you enjoy my ramblings and random postings as I will try to keep this entertaining. Perhaps you will find parenting, jewelry, translating, job hunting, dancing, and even ingrown nail removing tips! Yes, I am that random…

Thanks for reading & buenas noches,
